Mind blowing!!! My product review of the PSiO Mind Booster 1.1

Monday, September 9, 2013

When I first saw my email about this product I was immediately skeptical. As a person who actively meditates I didn't believe electronic devices could aid you in mental clarity do to the electro magnetic waves devices give off. I tried the PSiO Mind booster everyday this weekend. I tried several controlled environments, morning and evening.

The device is light weight and has multiple settings to play various feed backs. I won't list all the tracks but my fave is focus attention. I woke up renewed and full of life each day I used the PSiO. The stimulus had my subconscious mind aligned with my intention to make improvements. In the weight room I was fired up and exceeded all my reps. I kept hearing the phrase replay in my mind "nothing can stop me". 

There are no side effects to the PSiO mind Booster! It's An amazing product I look forward to seeing this product on my athletes. This product is for students, athletes and anyone who needs a competitive boost that will take them over the hump.
Touted as one of the top 10 products at NY’s Consumer Electronics Week, PSiO is pioneering the new age of meditation! This new technology, is the first and only all-inclusive Audio Visual Stimulation system backed by years of clinical research.
Equipped with earphones and high-tech electronics that use MP3 files to synchronize sound with light, the audiovisual stimulation glasses overstimulate the brain to eliminate brain chatter. The user is taken on a psychedelic odyssey into a state of relaxation, in which their mind is maintained at the edge of sleep. This type of consciousness has been known for over half a century for its positive effects on memorization, information management, integration and recovery. With PSiO’s numerous pre-loaded programs, users are able to take advantage of this low-thought point to work on areas of personal development and enrichment.
Please let me know if you’re interested in learning more about PSiO.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

For more info visit www.psiousa.com


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