Bradley Cooper, Zimmerman and the Race for America

Friday, August 2, 2013

If you have been watching the American National media for the past few weeks you know that the country has been deeply divided over the George Zimmerman/ Trayvon Martin Trial. Well right in middle of this mess Riley Cooper (not to be confused with Bradley Cooper from the Hangover movie) #14 Eagles Wide receiver goes on an expletive tirade saying "i will fight every nigger here" to a African American security guard in June during a Kenny Chesney concert. Now I wasn't  there but of course the video is all over the web. I won't link it here because I don't particularly care about hate. I care about looking at the imbalance across respect and decency toward common man. Now in a time where young black men have a clearly no fair advantage in enjoying the right to live free in America. You hate for a guy who plays football in an American city, with a black majority and a black mayor to use this ignorant language. I'm only reminded of the $100k fine levied by David Stern on Kobe Bryant for calling a ref a gay slur and bitch. Now Kobe Bryant had no clue of this referee sexual orientation. He merely said a derogatory term but not a personal attack. Riley Cooper has a preconceived notion that all blacks are niggers or atleast the ones he wanted to fight. This past Friday Riley Cooper was excused from the team only to be back with team today. His teammate Eagles Running Back Leshawn Mccoy told “And then we’ve been playing for three years, and something like this comes out, I think where a person thinks that the cameras are off and nobody is really watching, you let your true side come out, and I think that’s what happened. I think it’s a matter of him actually getting caught."

Do we even matter anymore? Is there no respect for the African American ancestors of the slaves who were forced to this country? We didn't ask to be in America I woke up and was born here. I woke up to the nightmare of the sheet and the hood. My grandfather was murdered by the klan! I woke up to the word NIGGER! So in America when house negros and "Uncle Tom" (go along to get along negros) sympathize with the oppressive mentality. We have a race problem in this country and we can ignore it. I know the radical move that can change that problem. We have to be in love with ourselves more than any hate. We have to love our neighbor more than we hate their ideaology! We must be bound to love! It's time to wake up and unify. Hate must not prevail! Hate only spawns hate! #noHate #zipGould #muktisportking #eagles #love #mikeVick #dog #pitbulls #racial #racism 


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