Ten-Step to Making your workout program stick

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I love sports and if you have an ounce of commonsense you know that sports and healthy living go hand in hand! Many people struggle with fitness and diets here is a simple plan to stay On top of your goals!

10 Step approach to making Fitness Stick
1. Get started TODAY!!!
2. Start with a goal nothing huge just make a commitment!
3. Write your goals down, and get an accountability partner
4. Educate your self about fitness and your body.
5. Be accountable to yourself DO IT FOR YOURSELF
6. Don't punish yourself for missing goals or falling off your program. Reset, renew and start again.
7. Post in the group lets motivate each other to success.
8. Take time to create a mental image of the Body of Change you want to create.
9. Meditate 10 min in morning and 10 min a night and watch things shift for you.
10. Make fitness and wellness your lifestyle. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit empower your body through healthy living. #Christconsciousness #renew #bestLifeEver #rebuild #multisportking #herbalife


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