Let's get to the Core of the problem...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

So I have been writing on my series about abs and the core training. Now I 'm working my core and getting ready for my 2011 season as I write this. I will include a simple routine I use for my pre-season that I am actually going to perform tonight. I will upload tutorials and video this week, additionally I will give you an everyday ab routine it can be done daily it's short and sweet but you have to do this everyday.

I know some of you saying everyday? this is a lifestyle choice. I'm on the phone with more than half of you and I hear you ordering your #1, 2's or 6's so if you have time for drive thru you have time for a better lifestyle.

Working out is about quality of life, I see so many people who are not in a position to live comfortable as they get older because they took their bodies for granted.

So let's start living intentional and training your body is the first step to living a great life.

Abs Week 1

First attack the lower abs..

You lie on your back, hands placed at sides or on temples
Legs straight in air and exhale pushing lower abs to the spine. At the same time lifting your buttocks completely off the floor. Try the visualization of a string pulling you by the end of your heels.

I perform 40 of these in 3 sets. you should work at a pace thats good for you. To achieve maxium succeess push yourself each week.  For elite athletes off season we perform 500 ab excercises every other day.

Next excercise is the traditional crunch you can look online for various forms. I perform 3 sets of 40 reps for this excerise.

Following traditional, is the Bicycle (alternating knees and elbows) I only do 40 of these because I have yet to develop my ATP to sustain me long enough, don't tell that to my coach.

Now you can't forget the obliques since I am not uploading video tonite I can't show you what excerise I prefer. but look at online at www.bodybuilding.com for various ab training videos.

Final thoughts, most of the time I see people training in the gym and they take the abs so lightly they act like its a walk in the park. While ab workouts won't shed abdominal fat they will give you a solid core and thats whats needed for over all fitness.

Happy training!

Follow me!!! Twitter.com/multisportking


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