Fatigue: break down...Break through

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

OK so here I am in the middle of the beginning trying to push of all the kinks I need to detox all type of toxins running through my blood. I am super sore and tired but I am poised. I have like 4 -6 different jobs and with in those jobs certain responsibilities. Not to mention my family obligations. I also am involved in the nightlife business, which keeps me in the streets some nights. I use a lot of Full throttle energy Drink!lol  Last night I did Squats and I normally work out alone, but a guy wanted to work in a set or 2 with me. So you know I was ready to compete it was time. So we cranked out 4 sets of 225 at 15 reps then he wanted to do Front Squats. he went up to 315 I was so good by then!lol Well needless to say I'm sore as hell! My race work tomorrow includes 400/800/400 then 20 starts its a long road in a short time but you can't let the pain stifle you it's time to roll out.... wish me luck


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