Sacrifice, Training and boy this a long road!

Friday, March 18, 2011

So it's been a few days since I posted so here we go. I have been conditioning, doing 5 miles and and there far from the rigorous training my other counterparts are engaging in. I asked Muna how she manages and it's like she has no time. She is doing the school thing, her foundation, clothing line and training oh yeah and inbetween she breathes and does real human stuff. I am managing my film career, parenting, my company, my nightlife, my co-workers, friends etc. It's like whew just when I get rolling 10 more things come up. God positions us at different times, I was watching TBN and I heard a minister say you get 3 visits before you get to your next level, a butler to open doors and a baker to put things together and then you get Pharaoh, I have just got my Baker, they are the glue needed to finish the plan I have created to become the world's greatest decathlete. I used to think Brute force, sheer will and superb talent got you there. I have played against and competed against all of those qualities in other athletes. There is something else that makes someone motivated to be a champion. It's the look in Kobe's eyes or before Kim MacMillan pulls up for that jumper. Killer instinct. It's the thing that made me undefeated in Greco Roman wrestling. I can't say the same for my track career, I have never won the big won but stay tuned. So Sacrifice... so many things and reason's I have not to do this but I have destiny before me, the universe wants beckons me, every time I turn on the TV whether I'm watching barney or I get an email. I often wonder when people are passionate about something what triggers their mind to get in gear.... I'm ready for my close up, I will cast no shadow and I will show no remorse! 6 hours per day/ 6 days a week I'm, standing tall it's Gould Season...


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